Peak Oil |
The Party's Over
by Richard Heinberg
Excellent summary of Peak Oil issues by Santa Rosa resident and Post Carbon Institute
fellow Richard Heinberg.
by Richard Heinberg
Richard Heinberg's follow-up to The Party's Over covering strategies for dealing with
Peak Oil.
The End of Oil
by Paul Roberts
Interesting overview of Peak Oil despite some emphasis on hydrogen fuel cells.
The Coming Oil Crisis
by Colin Campbell
Association for the Study of Peak Oil founder Colin Campbell's view of Peak Oil.
Twilight in the Desert
by Matt Simmons
Study of Saudi Arabia's oil reserves and their proximity to peak production.
Resource Wars
by Michael T Klare
War over oil, water and other resources.
Blood and Oil
by Michael T Klare
The consequences of America's oil dependence.
Crossing the Rubicon
by Michael Ruppert
Tying in 9/11 with Peak Oil.
The Oil Factor
by Stephen and Donna Leeb
How oil is inextricably linked to the economy.
Oil, Jihad and Destiny
by Ronald R. Cooke
The consequences of declining oil production.
Sleeping With the Devil
by Robert Baer
The relationship between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia and the U.S. dependence on Saudi oil.
by Jared Diamond
A study of the collapse of societies.
The Long Emergency
by James Kunstler
Kunstler's inimitable view on the post-peak oil age.
The Final Energy Crisis
Ed. Andrew McKillop
A collection of essays about peak oil.
by Matthew Yeomans
A history of oil and a call for oil-dependency reduction.
The Empty Tank
by Jeremy Leggett
Head of the U.K.'s solarcentury discusses Peak Oil and Global Warming.
The Prize
by Daniel Yergin
Pulitzer prize-winning, comprehensive history of the oil industry.
Crude: The Story of Oil
by Sonia Shah
A summary of the history of oil and its impact on our lives.
EVs |
Green books |
Wind Power
by Paul Gipe
Complete coverage of wind power from one if its major proponents.
From the Fryer to the Fuel Tank
by Joshua Tickell
The complete guide to using vegetable oil as an alternative fuel.
DVDs |
Healthy Diet |
Eat to Live
by Dr. Joel Fuhrman
Not just a weight-loss book but analysis and advocacy of a plant-based diet.
Disease Proof Your Child
by Dr. Joel Fuhrman
A follow-up to Eat to Live emphasizing the importance of a healthy diet for children.
The China Study
by Dr. T Colin Campbell
A huge study of the diet of rural Chinese and how the foods we eat affect our health.