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Site updated 4th March 2006

These page show examples of local solar installations with which we have been involved.
Roof-mount (flush to roof) System Photo Mock-up
Roof-mount (tilt legs) Homeowner's report
A 21-panel photovoltaic system, flush-mounted to the roof.

The first row of panels is installed and the rails are ready for the other 11.

The system DC disconnect switch and SunVista inverter (left), and the AC disconnect switch to the right of the PG&E meter.

The completed system - the tree has since been trimmed to remove the shading.
A 12-panel photovoltaic system, flush-mounted to the roof.

The panels, in four sets of three, mounted on the roof.

The system DC disconnect switch (left), SMA Sunny Boy inverter (red box), AC disconnect switch and PG&E meter.
Another 12-panel photovoltaic system mounted partly on a roof overhang.

The early-morning sun reaches the array...

...and the DC disconnect, SunnyBoy 2500, AC disconnect
and PG&E meter cupboard.
A 40-panel roof-mounted photovoltaic system.

The array is in three sections:- one 10 module string on the left,
two sets of 10 in the middle and the last set of 10 on the right.

The white pickup truck and the red Th!nk City are both pure
electric vehicles. The charging needs of the truck as well as
the requirements of the house will be met by the solar system.